It warms my heart to see this little girl was so profoundly affected by how the mama squirrel was protecting her baby.

New technologies continue to affect how we live. Would it be Effect or affect? Im guessing the correct one is affect. Affect is a verb meaning ‘influence or cause someone or something to change’: The cold weather has really affected her health. So my comment to this particular video is that it warms my heart to see how the little girl was so Effected or Affected by this cute mama & baby squirrel. Its a teaching lesson of life) So in the video you can hear the young daughter say “Ooohh Myyyy Goshhhh” dragging each word out and sounding like she was crying, but not crying out of sadness, she was enlightened to of seen such a thing. Affect is most commonly used as a verb meaning to act on or produce a change in someone or something. Though affect has multiple meanings, its most common use is as a verb with a meaning. Which sentence uses affect or effect correctly The correct sentence that uses effect or affect correctly is : Jeremy’s injury will affect the outcome of the game. 1.Use affect as a verb meaning to influence or to cause a change. Effect is usually a noun, an effect is the result of a change. Mama & baby squirrel and mama & daughter. Affect is usually a verb, and it means to impact or change. (Do ya’ll see what’s happening here? It’s beautiful isn’t it. Mom tells her young daughter not to go any further to stay right here because mama squirrel will protect her baby and might get mean.

OK so a mom and daughter seen this action and decided to record it. Mama squirrel cleaned her baby off first before running back up the tree. Mama squirrel quickly went to get her baby. Story: A newborn baby squirrel fell out of the tree. So here’s why I’m looking up what the difference between affect and effect is. Ok, call me a slower learner because im still not getting it.